pátek 21. září 2012
My Name
It's sad that my name is so long that I have to have a blog post dedicated to it...
My birth name is actually Damek and I go by it in person, I go by "Connor" on the internet because it's my "English name" and I feel as though non English names don't fly by well on the internet.My parents surnames were Kahout and Hadden, but I don't ever go by them. I go by my grandmum's surname for every day things, but I don't share it on the internet because I use it for my personal accounts. I'm not entirely sure where Kwiatkowski came from because nobody in my family was Polish, but I went by it most often it school.
Every time I was half adopted I had to legally take the family's surname. The name on my ID says
Krautwormowa Yemelyanenko Zhzhyonov Trzebiatowski Voskoboynikov Sniegowski Brozobohaty
I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce my legal documents name because I haven't ever had to say it, but my ID name I can partially explain?
Damek is Daah-muk, Jaroslav is Yaro-slav, Gabirel is Gab-rel, Kahout is kaaah-wout, Hrdlickova is Her-glitch-kova, Kwiatkowski is Qu-fiat-coff-ski, Hadden is haw-dren, Oldrich is old-ri then a sound like you're trying to get gunk out of your throat, Drajzajtlova is dra- zoit- lava, Zelenohorska is zelen- or- ska, Dillingham is obvious, Thwayte is th-way-ee-ta.
So Daah-muk Yaro-slav Gab-rel Kaaah-wout Her-glitch-kova Qu-fiat-coff-ski Haw-dren Old- rixckdkyfut Dra-zoit-lava Zelen-orska Dillingham Th-way-ee-ta
It apparently helps if you say it in a bad russian accent.
I hope this kind of clears things up? Hopefully...it doesn't...I tried