pátek 17. srpna 2012

Lucid Dreaming

  Ever since I was a kid I’ve had nightmares. Instead of escaping the reality of my abuse, I’d fall asleep and go through the exact same thing in my dreams.

  My dreams have always felt real; I can feel everything and remember almost every detail when I wake up. It’s so bad that I literally wake up screaming every single time I fall asleep . Therefore, I’m terrified to go to sleep. What’s the point of sleeping if I’m just going to wake up exhausted and horrified? Instead, I take one hour naps frequently throughout the day to prevent REM sleep. After a few days I’ll just pass out and have to deal with a few hours of torturous sleep, but it’s better than nothing.

  I have three reoccurring dreams. I’ll only explain one because the other two are...disturbing...and I know some people are sensitive. The first is in a cement room. There are no doors, and the ceiling is just black emptiness which appears to be the only opening. The walls of the cement room are about 12 feet tall and are covered in filth...almost rotting. I’m chained to the ground by one ankle and bleeding from my heart. The blood slowly fills up the room and I’m left struggling for air, unable to swim further up to prevent drowning because I’m chained to the ground. At the last second a ladder appears, my mum holding it at the top of the cement room. As I reach out for it, she pulls it back up and says “I have to leave you behind. I can’t bring you with me. I’m so sorry”. I drown in my own blood, and then wake up.

  When I was a kid I decided I couldn’t deal with my nightmares anymore. I took out every book my schools library had on dreams and began researching. I tried everything from repeating “I will not dream” over and over again until I fell asleep, to not eating certain foods before bed. I even tried talking to a priest, but he simply told me that my dreams were “preparing me so my reality wouldn’t seem so bad.” He clearly had no idea.

How to Lucid dream
  Finally I came across a book about lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is when you’re aware that you’re dreaming, and have some control over what happens in it. It’s like your own personal virtual reality, like a video game. To me, this sounded perfect. I tried everything to have a lucid dream, and it took me months to actually have one, and even longer to perfect it. Personally, I have found three ways to induce a lucid dream that work for me

1.       Every hour I ask myself if this is all real. Eventually it became habit and I started doing it in my dreams. I would ask myself if this is reality, I would realize it wasn’t, then all of a sudden my dream would start crumbling to pieces.
2.       I wrote down “Awake” on my hand (and eventually got it tattooed). Every time I saw it, I would do a reality check and realise that it was reality. When I saw it in my dream, I would realise that I wasn’t actually awake.
3.       Holding hands with someone while sleeping. I know it sounds weird...but it works. My boyfriend moves a lot when he sleeps, so he tends to tug my hand. In my dream I feel like my world is shifting, so I realise I’m asleep and dreaming.

  The most important thing to do if you want to have a lucid dream is to keep a dream journal. The second I wake up I write down as much detail as I can about my dream. I have 12 years worth of dream journals...there's some Butterfly Effect shit going on underneath my bed. There are usually some things that occur in almost every one of your dreams, if you can learn to recognise these things it’s easier to tell that you’re dreaming. For me it’s blood, chains, my mum, rotting anything, a purple shirt and a set of green eyes. When I see these things in my dream, I immediately know I’m dreaming.

  Achieving a lucid dream is extremely difficult, but so is actually staying lucid. The first few times it happens you become so excited because everything seems so real that you actually wake yourself up. The most important thing to do when you first realise you’re dreaming is stay calm. Don’t try and control your dream immediately, don’t try changing anything until you’re actually used to lucid dreaming. Just take in your surroundings. Lucid dreams feel...more real than real life if that makes any sense. It’s like 360° vision, everything is richer, you become so much more aware of everything around, it can become overwhelming.

  Quite often dreams tend to fade or you can feel yourself waking up, to prevent this there’s a technique called “dream spinning”. It’s exactly what it sounds like; you literally spin in a circle for a little while. This causes you to stay asleep, but it does change what the dream is so it’s likely you’ll forget you’re lucid dreaming.

  Most people think that during a lucid dream you have control over absolutely everything; of course that isn’t how it works. Your subconscious is still more powerful than you are...meaning you can control some things, but not all. At first it takes difficulty to even control your own actions or the situations, but over time it gets easier.

  To gain control over a dream you actually have to be confident in it. If you believe it isn’t going to happen, it won’t. Getting frustrated will just cause you to wake up, so it’s best to just start small then work your way up. Simply wishing for something won’t make it happen. If you want to...say...go to the mall, you can’t just wish to be at the mall. You’d have to tell yourself that once you’re up the stairs, you’ll be at the mall. Dream spinning can also help change settings, by focusing on something and spinning it can change the entire situation...but of course that leaves the risk of forgetting you’re lucid dreaming. Basically dream spinning can get you out of everything.

  There’s a few different ways to change a setting in a lucid dream other than dream spinning. Walking through doors, mirrors, or televisions are how I usually do it. Remember that it’s impossible to have control over every single part of a lucid dream, there’s still your subconscious.

  When I mention I lucid dream the first thing people ask me is usually about flying. Flying is one of the most difficult things to do in a dream. It’s easy to jump insanely high or swim fast because that’s a skill that’s kind of possible in real life, flying is difficult because it’s something most of us have never even tried. I think it took me like 4 years before I even got off the ground. I found it was best to leap huge distances then flap like a bird...cute image I know. Even harder than flying is landing. I still can’t land without crashing and waking myself up.

  Thanks to Inception people assume that the only way to wake up from a lucid dream is to die, or that dying causes “limbo”. Not true. I’ve died in many lucid dreams, if it’s from something like falling I’ll wake up, but usually dying just causes a new dream sequence. The only way I found to wake up from lucid dreams (why would you really want to though...) is to just open and close my eyes over and over again. Dreams within a dream however are possible and are quite annoying. Often I wake up in my bed, but it turns out I’m still dreaming. If you have lucid dreams, always remember to do reality checks as soon as you wake up.

  Since I do lucid dream almost every time I fall asleep people usually ask me why I don’t always do it. I tend not to as much anymore for three reasons: mental illness, Sunny, and drugs.

  Schizophrenia is something I can’t control in normal life, so that means it's something I can’t control in my dreams. I could be having a perfectly good dream when someone from my past could show up and turn it into a nightmare. Schizophrenia uses my memories against me and infects them. If I use a memory as a setting in my dream, I run the risk of something bad happening in it and ruining the memory forever. I can try and escape all I want, but just like in real life, I can’t. The voices I hear turn into people and the people I see surround me. The ground they walk on sets on fire. They always have more power than I do, and it’s fucking horrible.

  When I lucid dream I tend to put everything I could ever want in the dream...of course that includes Sunny. I know I probably sound annoying and creepy, but I just can’t let go. When I lucid dream I create a world for Sunny and I...and it ruins my real world. Why should I be awake and miserable when I could be with him? My created version of Sunny will never be anything like the real thing, I can only take pieces of his personality and put it into him. I can’t recreate all of his dimensions. It’s impossible to recreate a real person and it’s rather depressing. I can’t keep him out of my dreams though. I always find myself putting him back in, and that just isn’t fair to me. It’s not fair to my boyfriend that I'm dating him, but I’m living a double life with a subconscious version of someone else.

  Drugs really fuck up lucid dreams. How could I control my dream if I can’t even control my actions in real life?  If I’m high, I don’t even bother. Drugged lucid dreams turn into nightmares that I can’t escape. I know I’m dreaming, but I can’t change it so it just seems so real.

  Anybody can lucid dream, it just takes practice. Don’t expect it to happen the first night you try, it takes months or even years. It’s worth it to live in a world you create with no physical laws.